Nov 8, 2023

Why Does Donor Grouping Matter?


Nonprofit organizations put a great deal of effort into getting to know their donors and creating an engaging, personalized experience for them. But if you can’t capture and see personal details efficiently in your CRM, you’re limiting your abilities to segment and steward them effectively. As a result, you leave revenue on the table.  

GiveSmart Donor CRM’s Households & Groups tool not only allows you to organize your constituents into households, but you can also group them into any other type of network, including companies, civic clubs, alumni groups, and any other custom connection you want to capture. These self-made categories help your whole donor management team best build relationships with your support network. 

As your team looks for ways to better your stewardship and donor retention, consider how Households & Groups can improve your segmentation, communication, relationships, and revenue.  


It’s critical to know which supporters share a household, so your development team can provide more targeted communications. 

For example, mailing an annual appeal to multiple people in the same household separately not only wastes money on printing and postage, but it sends the message to your donors that you don’t know them, or worse, don’t care to learn about them.  

GiveSmart Donor CRM’s Households feature allows you to detect duplicate addresses and information, combine them into households, and view giving for the entire household from one screen, rather than as individuals. This means your development team can better engage your organization’s support network. 


Not everyone fits into a traditional household, and there’s so much more to the story of who your donors are than simply where and with whom they reside.  

Create custom groups to track your board members, event planning committee, alumni group, sponsor organization, club, or any other type of group you can think of. You can create custom group names, add existing and new contacts, and even assign custom relationship roles within the group, allowing you to see the full picture and network dynamics. Plus, group landing page dashboards provide key giving stats at a glance. 

Better Segmentation and Communication  

By knowing more about your donors, their households, and network connections, you’re not only able to provide more personalized communication but can identify opportunities to expand into other networks as well. Seeing who your donors are as people, rather than just as numbers, allows you to create real connections, effective segmentation strategies, and more impactful stewardship. 

GiveSmart Donor CRM’s Households & Groups function gives your organization the flexibility to create custom networks and capture a more complete view of who your supporters are, enabling more personalized communications and impactful segmentation to make your mission a movement.  

See how easy it is to create custom Households & Groups with a personal demo of GiveSmart Donor CRM today.  


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What our clients say

We needed a platform to make sales online and to track and display ads for our sponsors. GiveSmart was perfect. We ended up making close to $15,000 more than we had hoped for. Definite better ROI than we anticipated. The interface is easy to use and provides plenty of options to get help if needed.

Michelle M.

The Rotary Club of South Whidbey Island

Using GS has created ease in auction bookkeeping, payments, and generating post-event thank you/tax letters. While we were online during COVID, our interactions with our GiveSmart via phone, email, and zoom were seamless. A representative always got back to us within the day. I would recommend GiveSmart to anyone doing a large online event.

Julie G.

MicroFinancing Partners in Africa

GiveSmart is highly flexible - you can use it for [a] simple registration and check-in, to full-scale galas with complex order forms, onsite upsells, live auctions, seating management, and more.

Jamie F.

Hope Chest for Breast Cancer

GiveSmart is easy to use and ideal for virtual events and can be used for in-person events to manage the silent auction, seating charts, and check-in to the event. Being able to use the platform for unlimited events within the contract year is very useful and being able to add other users and volunteers for different levels of access is helpful as well.

Dawn L.

Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County